Under Eldermont II

Under Eldermont II

King Vax and the heroes had returned to Eldermont, but it was Ian who ended up being surprised. T’na was no longer an elf. He was a goblin but somehow still in the Kings good graces. It was only a couple days after the heroes returned when Ian was summoned to T’na’s compound.

Upon arriving Ian saw Valor was already there…but no one else was; none of the normal construction crew, none of T’na’s friends. The day was intense to say the least. T’na, or Ekz, which he explained was his goblin name recounted his story to them.

The strange being who turned him into an elf. Living as an elf slave, then being freed and living among elves. Learning and honing his scouting skills and talents. Being hired by Vax and the heroes of Eldermont and joining them. Wielding a card of power and being changed back into a goblin, and of his sorcerous power, the wild magic that he felt and suspected was the reason the goblins of the wild still pursued him.

“Hopefully, you have realized your loyalty is to Eldermont, its’ people and the principles that King Vax and we, the heroes who support him, espouse. Should something happen to me, it will be up to the two of you to take care of Eldermont and to take on students of your own, so that what you know is passed on. Be discerning in who you recruit…observe them before you recruit them…watch for the things that you can’t teach and worry less about the things you can.”

He also told them his position would be threatened by his current form.  Be prepared to operate independently, at some point this form will become a problem and you will be asked to at least spy on my and at most sanction me…I will most likely be long gone before that happens, but I will not hold it against you personally.

Ian was at a loss. If T’na was worried about what would happen because he was a goblin, what would happen to Ian? T’na was a Hero of Eldermont…Ian had been a slave less than three years ago. Those in the underdark hated his kind…the “dark” elves…whatever that meant…and those above ground hated the “good” elves.

Slipping into the caves under Eldermont and wandering in the darkness, Ian found comfort in the consistent coolness, the moderate humidity, the quiet broken only by the slow drip of condensation of the tips of stalactites. Valor would be fine working above ground, but Ian would be a target if seen. The dwarves seemed to hate him with a ferocity he just didn’t understand…they didn’t seem to mind T’na when he was still and elf, but Ian, their eyes seered when they stared at him.

The Corpse King Attacks

Did anyone expect it? He hadn’t seen Gujk since that one encounter, but he had kept tabs on him. Tracking him on occasion just to make sure he wasn’t leaving the sewers and caves…staying below ground.

Ian had even found two notes written on the walls in the sewers…both in goblin. The first just said, “thieves meet here” with an arrow pointing towards an inlet from the street. The second was written on a wall just outside of a small convergence chamber; “smugglers use the hooks in the ceiling to hang goods and people to avoid searches.”

Ian hadn’t acted on the information yet, but he had shared the above ground locations and basics with Valor.

The wind in the cave shifted suddenly bringing the stench of undeath with it. Ian scanned as far as he could in the darkness while stepping closer to the wall and slowly drawing his sword and dagger. The sound of a single pair of feet running at full speed towards him echoed through the cylindrical tunnel that served as the sanitation system in Eldermont. Ian was already half turned and springing into a sprint as Gujk sped past him yelling something about undead vermin as he passed.

…the creepy chitter and slippery, moist, rotting flesh  smell of the undead horde of rats chasing Gujk was growing.  Ian didn’t need any motivation, he was already speeding after Gujk and catching up with him.

“Third left, into the water, through the cave, surface after the third blue stone…three and three.” Ian spoke as he passed Gujk.

“Under the water?!” Gujk shouted after the dark elf who hadn’t stopped.

More Undead

Ian had no problem getting to the third turn and into the small underground pool. The underwater tunnel was only ten meters long and no issue for one used to using it. Would that goblin make it? Ian wondered.

He decided to wait in the chamber for a bit to see, but didn’t have to wait long. Three minutes later, Gujk surfaced in the pool. Ian grabbed his forearm and pulled him out of the water.

“They’re behind me…they’re following!” Gujk coughed out upon being pulled onto the cave floor.

Ian and Gujk fled through the caves under Eldermont into the depths. While Ian could see a bit further, both were adapt underground and in the darkness. A few encounters with undead creatures that resembled large insects and one mummy that they decided to run from comprised all of their undead encounters until they found the open cave.

The sudden pull of a strong draft led them down this particular cave. Old and probably, originally a volcanic tube of some kind it had been used as a underdark highway for hundreds of years. It was only after a few hundred meters that a light source from outside could be seen…not exactly like sunlight…more like light reflecting off of a pool.

The end of the cave opened up into a large sphere as though a perfect circle had been cut out around the Red Keep and most of Eldermont. Above and all around they could see  several caves like theirs, exiting unexpecting into this large empty spherical space. The sea, seeming held back by nothing stayed away for now.

“We must get back to the surface….and through the tunnels….we must find out what happened.” Ian stated to himself…and Gujk.

“It was the Fata Deum” Gujk said as though it was obvious as he turned to follow Ian.