Torvi's Note is Found

Sympos awoke with a shiver.  He had been on watch.  Had he fallen asleep!

Sympos brushed the ice off his smelly clothes.  And then it hit him.  Ice?  The entire campsite was encrusted in a thin sheet of ice and frost.  Except for the area directly around their diminishing fire.  Sympos lumbered to his feet, rubbing the sleep and frost off his eye lashes with a dirty hand.  "Ho!  Fellows!  Wake up now...or perhaps never again!"

Shade climbed from beneath his ice-stiffened blanket, as Timm broke free of some crystals of ice that had grown between him and the tree he had been leaning against.  Gabe was the least affected by the unnatural cold, as he had been sleeping very near the fire, a series of pots and pans strewn about him as an alarm against any danger that might creep up on him in his sleep. 

Shade looked around.  "What witchcraft is this?"

Timm pulled a dagger from the tree above where he had been sleeping, a piece of parchment pierced by the dagger. He unfolded the parchment, and began to read it aloud.

Friends and companions,

Please convey to the Professor my thanks for the years of employment.  He gave me a home, when I had none, and he should know I appreciate every kindness he showed me.  I know this is not the best time.  But, perhaps there is never the best time for something like this.  I am going traveling.  With Ongr.  Do not worry for me, or look for me.  Do not waste time or treasure on rescuing me, for I go of my own free will.

I know you are capable of closing the gate without me.  Gabe might have to actually fight something.  Shade will need to work with the group.  And there will be risks.  But, you will win out...and earn your reward.  I know enough of you to know that Sympos will bring you through.  So, I will not worry over you either.

I have run from my past for so long, that I forgot to truly live in the present, or plan for any sort of future.  And in Ongr, I have found a kindred soul.  We'll figure it out together.  Good luck to you all!


As the frost melted away, and the ice dripped down the trees, Timm looked up at his companions.  "Fuck."

Shade shook his head.  "That's not what I wanted...that's not the plan!"

Sympos smiled.  "Torvi seeks a different death.  I understand this."

Gabe had stoked up the fire, and had sausages sizzling on a pan.  "Won't do any good to plan on an empty stomach.  Are we headed back to the ship now?"