The Return of Long Refuge

Remington Goldmont had been summoned to the Emperor's campaign tent under suspicious circumstances.  The emissary from the Emperor had asked Remy to come to the tent an hour after dark, and to come alone.  When Remy asked the nature of the summoning, the emissary had simply answered, "A personal matter."

Remington immediately informed Crighton, his King, and asked for his counsel on the matter.  The Grey King seemed amused by the Nameless Emperor's theatrics, but suggested that one does not decline an invitation to an audience with an Emperor.  Remy pointed out that Jestak was not his emperor, and he had no obligation to go.

Crighton countered, that if he did not go, he might never know what it was all about.  "Do you really want that nagging at you in the coming days?  I need you focused on troop movements, and protecting my interests on the greater battlefield."

Remy nodded, finding the advice of his King to be on point, as usual.  "Then I'll go see the metal bastard, and see what he wants.


Remy made his way through the torch-lit camp.  The word "camp" didn't quite cover it, though. Soldiers were gathered around their fires for as far as you could see in every direction.  The muddy ground, and tents, and fires, went on for hundreds of miles along the coast.  The soldiers drank, gambled, told stories, and laughed...doing their best to forget that for many of them, these were their last days on Kempin.

Remy wore his plate armor to his meeting with the Emperor, as it was the most formal attire he had with him.  The otherwise polished armor, was muddy up to his knees.  The old knight passed through several checkpoints, and eventually came to the Nameless General's complex of tents.  From there Remy was escorted to the Emperor's ornate command tent by several guards.

When they passed through the tent's doorway, Jestak was waiting near a tall wooden crate standing on end in the center of the tent.  The torch and candle light reflected off the Emperor's burnished mechanical body.  "Guards...leave us.  We'll be fine."

The guards exited the tent, leaving Remy, the Emperor, and the wooden crate.  This latter object was a little over 3 feet wide, 3 feet deep, and stood 5 feet tall.  It was nailed shut, and had yellowing labels attached to the outside of it, and small burned brands pressed into its wood here and there.  The brands appeared to be Imperial seals.

Remy smiled, the wrinkles in his face doubling in number from the action.  It was a face that did not often smile.  "So, what's all this, Nameless?  We're on the eve of the battle of our lives, and you're wanting to play games?"

The Emperor's metal face shifted and moved into an approximation of an expression of hurt feelings, his glass eyes reflecting disappointment.  "No, misunderstand me.  This is no game to me.  You are a most loyal Knight of Rosemont, are you not?"

Remy stared at the Emperor, wondering if an actual answer we required.  Finally he answered, " know that.  You know that I am."

The Emperor gave a slight bow of his head and put his hand on the side of the wooden crate.  "And you are a fierce defender of your King.  A man of honor.  A man once broken, and now restored."

Remy's eyes drifted to the sword hanging at Jestak's side.  He could hear faint whispers coming from the sword.  Words not meant for the, never for the knight.  Words whispered for the Emperor.  Savior had chosen his bearer, and the sword's choice disgusted the old Knight.  "Yes...all well and good Emperor.  Not to ruin your moment, but just tell me what's in the box."

The Emperor's face shifted into a smile.  "Something stolen, I'm afraid.  Something stolen and hidden away for many years.  I know you do not like me.  Not many people who know me actually do.  But, my thin soul is not long for this world I fear, and there are certain wrongs...that I would right."

"What's in the box?"  Remy's voice was filled with disdain.

"Long Refuge is in the box, good Knight.  The godly boon given to the Knights of the Rose in days of yore by Alcorn the Bishop."  Jestak drove his metal fingers through the lid of the box, and tore the lid free.  Wood splintered, and nails shrieked, but the lid gave way...and the Shield of Alcorn was now visible, safely nestled in the box.

Remington fell to his knees, his eyes locked on the silver shield.  "By the Gods!"

Jestak nodded, gears whirring to make the movement happen.  "By the Gods, indeed.  When the Empire took the Kingdom of Grey by force, Long Refuge was stolen by my armies, and transported to Citadel, where it has remained ever since.  For well over a 100 years, it has been hidden away with many other treasures in my palace.  But, it is not mine.  I had never been mine.  It belongs to your your belongs to you."

After several minutes, Remy climbed to his feet and approached the shield. Jestak took several steps backward, but said nothing more.

Remington reached for the shield, paused for a moment, and then ran his fingers down it's ornate surface.  The shield was a long shield, its surface silver and bright.  Scenes of illumination and knowledge were portrayed on its surface.  "Why give it back now?  What is your purpose?"

The Emperor shrugged.  "It does me no good, except perhaps to neuter your order and your nation.  And those were the goals of a man with my name that lived over a 100 years ago.  Those are not my goals today.  I wish you to carry the shield in battle.  Protect your King.  Win the day!"

Remy could not take his eyes from the splendor of Long Refuge.  "And what do you want in return?"

Jestak shook his head.  "Nothing.  I stole it...and now I return it.  You owe me nothing but ire, I suppose.  But, I'm not long for the world.  If you have it in your heart, ask your Gods to forgive my trespasses."  Jestak walked toward the doorway of his tent.  "I'll leave you with Long Refuge.  Take your time...and take it with you when you leave. Fight well, Knight.  Protect your liege in the coming days."

And the Emperor left the old knight alone with his Godly boon.


    • Marcus Auerilius

      Love it. Remy was sooo much fun to play in that old campaign. Old school LG pally who couldn't let any injustice or wrong pass. As I recall, the party was regularly hiding things from him or distracting him so he wouldn't cause problems. He murdered an entire village because Savior didn't like them...they were smugglers, and thus he fell at the end of that campaign. Mark told me about "Mad Remy" the fallen paladin as the continuation of what had happened to him, and I'm pretty sure I wrote that story about just after his fall and losing Savior shortly after learning that. I especially liked that he didn't want or like Savior in this story. In my mind, he hates it with the same intensity that Squee wants it.