Not Unnoticed


The screams from the city were less frequent, as though the living were no longer there to scream. The fort was secure and thanks to his scouting, they had made contact with the southern fort. While there was suspicion and obvious distrust, Chief Ikembo and his commanders had made use of Shax as their scout and messenger.

The muscles in his back and shoulders ached fiercely, he had been flying constantly since the green beam disappeared. A couple weeks later and they had gained ground. Established a few safe havens in the city. Started to reclaim what had been lost and overrun. They did not let him join in the missions to clear the neighborhoods or skirmish with the undead. It was too much to risk one of their only flying assets. So, he had to sneak out on his own.

The cold night air betrayed the hot days with cruel delight. Gliding from rooftop to rooftop until he reached the edge of town, Shax headed out to the countryside. Canvasing the small farms and villages, the rest stops and river crossings, looking for any who needed help, looking to avenge those he had lost. He had a most a few hours before his absence would be noticed and had to get back to the fort long before his thirst for revenge against the undead would be quenched, but it’s what he could do for now.

Flying just above the ground in the dark of night, Shax crossed back into Daruth on his way to the fort. Not satiated, but glad he had this outlet and that none had seen him.

Not Unnoticed

“Is that the dragon man?” Saul, the new guard asked as he gawked and pointed from the safety of their small tower towards a dragonman like figure flying over the rooftops.

“Put your hand down!” Oscar admonished as he slapped Saul’s arm in a downward motion.

“Hey, what the…”

“Shut up! He’s just going out and killing undead. The bosses know, they had him followed the first time he did it. He goes out every night. Just pretend you don’t see him…that’s the orders.” Oscar explained in a hushed but urgent tone while looking away from where Shax had just been.

“What if he’s followed?” Saul asked with fear in his voice.

“We send the signal that the undead are coming!” Oscar almost shouted. “That’s what we do if the undead come! It doesn’t fuckin matter why they’re here! For effin Kempins effin dead sake why am I stuck with the rookies all the time!”


Like a firefly, it lit up the night. A beacon bouncing above the tree tops slowly making its way towards the glow of life. As with a moth to the candle flame, it could not help but follow. Almost nothing else was in focus, just the bouncing beacon of life…calling it, begging to be followed, crying to be consumed. He had never tasted the flesh of a dragon man…it was too much for a feral vampire to resist.