The Circus Comes to Town

Rain fell in sheets on the three ships entering the harbor, and the sailors aboard the ships scrambled about frantically trying to pull down the few sails not already left in tatters.  The night was made even darker by the storm clouds blotting out the heavens.  Try as it might, the roar of the storm could not drown out the loud cries and protestations of the many strange beasts held in the holds of each of the ships.

Some clever rudder work brought the ships near enough to the docks, that mooring lines were thrown, and several brave young men from each ship swung down and tied them off.

So hellish was the weather that the Harbor Master of Bellport did not exit his warm little shack to greet them.  A small landing party descended the gang-plank from the Belle Femme, buffeted by the raging wind and soaked to the bone immediately by the deluge.

The man in the lead was tall, dark, and devilishy handsome.  He appeared to be in his late 30's with dark hair, a long ornately embroidered coat, and a top hat he held firmly on his head with his left hand.  To his left was a gnome or halfling, wearing brightly colored garments, and a dangerous smile.  To his right was a large woman, over 7 and a half feet tall, wearing the furs of a barbarian race.

The three visitors approached the Harbor Master's shack, and the tall man knocked three sharp raps upon the door.  The door opened just a crack, and a suspicious eye peaked through the gap.  "What sort of moron attempts to dock at night in a storm such as this?"

The tall man smiled.  When he spoke, there was a hint of the lilting accent of Swanluke in his words.  "A moron only slightly less foolish than the moron that would stay at sea in this malstrom."

The Harbor Master was not impressed.  "Bah!  A fool all the same.  Go back to your ship...come see me in the morning."

The tall man removed his top hat, and gave a courtly bow, using the hand holding the hat for a flourish.  "Good night, my good Harbor Master.  In the coming days you will see beasts you thought lived only in nightmares.  You will witness marvels only the Mage Kings themselves could hope to challenge.  You will laugh as you did when you were child, and fear for the lives of my daring performers.  For, my good man...the Circus of Wonder has come to town!"

Professor Devereux
Professor Alfric Devereux
