Results for "Al Ana"


    • DrCrawdad

      Comment on "The Genesis of Eve"

      ...e ship's radios, even managing to pick up signals that the...anced hardware, but he also pondere...from his sleep. The usually comfort...s conducting a routine analysis of y...sound that still felt alien coming...
      • DrCrawdad

        Comment on "The Getaway"

        ...> Within the cold, metallic confin...module. "There's too much value in his fist against the metal table, ca...the very core of Murdoch's anarchic sou...appear destroyed, but in reality, we sca...


      Discussion topic



        • Mark Stinson

          People, Places, and Things

          ...used for the racial group com...s).   ALNABIDH WIN...k the name Hakim al-Rabbani,...ed to do occasional favors or...hop itself, with all manner o...SSA - Owner and manager of Fa...COPPER - Former manager, and n...Daruth. They are almost all Ae...
