11/19/2023 Game Notes

Headed toward Veridian following rumor of crash spike driven shop.Interdicted by pirates Captain Dark Heart. Threatened to board our ship.

Escaped using asteroid belt after being fired on three times.

Landed on Veridian pleading for safe haven from Shadow Realm pirates.

Looking for geological anomalies on planets surface. Found a hacker, Ahkil, to help track down data resembling over grown areas. Narrowed it down to three. Veridisant Canopy, Azure Cascades, Elyscent Meadows by Akhil (programmer). Astra Sanctum, Celestial Keepers, a cult who might know something about the crashed ship.

Rented a grav car and headed to Elyscent Meadows, a forest of ferocious kangaroo like carnivores. Hiked to a complex, shooting our way through echoing trees.

Inside was a macabre scene of old death. We fought robots and discovered a biological experiment of some kind. At one point Cam teleported behind a robot and ended it with a point blank shot to the head.

A deadly room that was wiring to incinerate the entire contents was left alone. Three containers marked as a biohazard were found. The Odyssey team left with·loot but no spike technology.

Cam gets in touch with Akhil. Thanks him again for his help and silence. Cam tries to recruit him into his secret society of like minded people. If he is interested, Cam sets up a meeting with Stella and the three talk about how they might help each other going forward.

The meeting is over a secure comm channel back to Starlight Haven. Cam gives an update to Stella and introduces Akhil. It is a delayed text based interaction taking 30 minutes between notes. Cam takes the intermittent time to chat with Akhil about his goals and what it’s like living on Veridian.

Cam get’s the sense that Akhil is very proud and happy to be approached about just an offer. Clearly the young man believes this is sign he is making head-way in building his reputation. Cam notices Akhil’s slight smile at the offer.

But Akhil hedges. He tells Cam that he’s a free agent. That as a Code Shadow, he needs to keep his independence. He’d be glad to work with you in the future. He enjoyed the work, and wants to work with you again. But, he doesn’t want to join an organization or a gang. He’d be happy to be your go-to shadow when you need information, or some forbidden data.

Cam also gets a pretty strong feeling that you can trust Akhil to keep your secrets. That same personal code that causes Akhil to turn down the offer of joining a secret society of like-minded people, will also keep Akhil from ever spilling your secrets. At least, that’s what Cam’s gut tell’s him.




    • Marcus Auerilius

      A couple quick additions:

      Captain Blackheart's ship was the "Eclipse Vengeance" 

      The cafe where we met Akhil was called the "Chip Cafe"