A Vote For or Against Cam


Cam forwards the retrieval message to the team's message boxes, marked IMPORTANT. He calls a meeting on the bridge and explains that we have a bounty on our heads. Black Star Hunters will be after us. He apologizes and says, "You can leave me with Marosh. I won't tell anyone about the spike drive mission."

Corvus asks, "Is that what you want or are you just giving up?"

Cam replies, "I'll stay if you will have me."

What is everyone's vote for the kid?


“You little shit!” Zhukov started shouting. “What did you think we were doing out here.  Are you that willing to give up on your people, on your mission?”  It seemed like he should have needed to stop for a breath but he kept going.  “We have always expected to have to operate outside of the law.  We are fuckung privateers for the good of the Haven.”  Zhukov glared at the young man.  “And now you think you can just run off and join some damn pirates.  Bullshit, your not getting out of your duty that easily.”


“Well Damn, that’s going to make getting with Commander Lyra a little difficult.  I guess all I want to know is how bad is it?  What’s the value on your head, and more importantly mine?“ Striker then waits an obscenely long time in silence before asking, “Do they have recent pictures?” Hopeful that his recent tattoo had not yet been added to his record.


    • Mark Stinson

      I added Tom's comment to the post. 

      • DrCrawdad

        “Well Damn, that’s going to make getting with Commander Lyra a little difficult.  I guess all I want to know is how bad is it?  What’s the value on your head, and more importantly mine?“ Striker then waits an obscenely long time in silence before asking, “Do they have recent pictures?” Hopeful that his recent tattoo had not yet been added to his record.

        • Mark Stinson

          Jay's comment included in the story above.  :-)

          • Jay

            “You little shit!” Zhukov started shouting. “What did you think we were doing out here.  Are you that willing to give up on your people, on your mission?”  It seemed like he should have needed to stop for a breath but he kept going.  “We have always expected to have to operate outside of the law.  We are fuckung privateers for the good of the Haven.”  Zhukov glared at the young man.  “And now you think you can just run off and join some damn pirates.  Bullshit, your not getting out of your duty that easily.”