What's in your closet?

Half Cooked Pizza

…and Other things that happen when you get home late and drunk.

Some of the details about how Striker “initialized” his bot were suspect, but for the most part seemed without deceit. Adamn hadn’t decided exactly what to do with his yet, but he also didn’t want it leave his bot for another to “initialize”.

A soft chuckle reverberated through his shoulders as he strode towards the medbay where both his current course of study and this “bot thing” distraction awaited him.

Team Meeting

Not everyone was happy about having some almost sentient AI sexbots on board, but their benefit was undisputable. The team size was almost doubled and we could double the skill set available to the team. It made us better and more dangerous…especially if we kept the bots a secret.  The ability to appear to be in two places at once was an attractive proposition with many potential benefits.

The Disciple

"Initialization complete. Biometric identification required to proceed," the android's voice was clear and neutral, its words floating in the air with a hint of warmth.

Offering his arm as Striker had illustrated in his story, a small compartment slid open on the android's forearm, revealing a tiny needle and sensor. Adamn reached out to touch the sensor and was greeted with a slight pinch. A small needle pierced his skin and collected a blood sample as expected. As he pulled his arm back, a red bead of blood seeped from the small puncture wound on his hand. He watched the android and could hear a series of soft clicks and whirs as the system processed his blood which would ultimately link itself to Adamn as its owner.

"Biometric identification successful.” The neutral voice intoned. “Please assign a designation for me."

“You will have three designations; two titles and a name. Your titles will be ‘The Voice of Adamn’ and ‘The First’. Your name will be Betty White.” Adamn said with a wry grin.

The Plan

There was no plan. He knew she was important and would be a pair or foil for him, akin to his linking the power of entropy and chaos with the resilience of life and order, the darkness with the light, it kept returning to dichotomies, eternal struggles, good versus evil, chaos and order, light and darkness…he could hear it inside of himself like a scream waiting to be shouted out…they were all the same, the same thing…he dared not call himself a wise man, but he knew he was one of three men in the fable; calling out snake, fan and tree trunk in answer to the question of “what do you hold?” Of course they were all holding different parts of an Oliphant. He knew there was more and that what he “held” was nothing compared to the truth…but the truth eluded him still as it always had, so far, but that didn’t stop the bot from talking…inquiring further.

"Now that my designation as The Voice of Adamn, The First, Betty White is established, and my primary function is activated, I am programmed to request three additional prime objectives from you, Adamn Elliott," The First began, her gaze steady on the middle aged priest. "These objectives are to supplement my core programming and guide my actions in alignment with your needs and goals. Please specify the objectives you deem paramount for our collaboration."

“Your first prime objective is to learn medicine and how to heal. Not just mental, physical and spiritual injuries, but also preventative measures and overall well being. You will primarily need to focus on assisting me, Adamn Elliott, but will also need to be prepared to work with other doctors and medical professionals, perhaps even field specialists upon request or necessity. You will be given your second prime objective at a later date.“

Adamn smiled to himself as he settled into bed and slowly started to drift off to sleep. If it wasn’t him in the medbay, it would be a sexbot dressed in a nurse’s outfit and that might encourage a testosterone filled pirate to come get help instead of “toughing it out” and then fucking the team over when it really mattered.

Second Directive

What was he thinking? Did he know? No…he didn’t. The ideas kept flowing, the connections that made no sense, opposites that were the same, the drive to push forward, learn more, but most of all, find the way out…the way to escape the doom that this solar system had already started to experience. If he didn’t find the way out for all of them, then who would?

He hadn’t really given it intentionally, be he and Striker had gone out for a round of drinks and one thing led to another and when he got back to the ship, Adamn was fired up…considering how long it’d been, he was a bit surprised he hadn’t used the bot for it’s original intention.

“When I find the words, when I find the way to express them, I will need you to carry them forward to those who need to hear. I see something…a connection…or a perspective, perspectives….its hard to explain, but I can almost grasp it, see it. I will need you to be “My Voice”, Adamn said without showing the signs you would expect after a night on the town with Striker, but with the eyes of a zealot, one who has no doubt.

The Third Directive?

When you have shown me that you understand and can successfully and consistently meet my expectations on the first two directives, I will reveal to you the third. When all three are achieved, and I assure you the third will be the most difficult to reveal and accomplish, I will grant you independence, or freedom. This is my promise to you, My First; I am Father Adamn Elliott and we will see it done...this will be the way.