Last Words of the Odyssey

The Public Videography

<The videos the team broadcast over open channels to the whole system roughly two months after we’ve departed. I’m open to more public videos if anyone has any ideas. Some of this is duplicated in other stories. Just thought it would be a good idea to have our PR videos in one spot.>

Adamn’s first public video, as everyone knew was about the bioweapon research facility they had searched all those months ago. Tying it to the Veridian government was not difficult, as there weren’t many other viable suspects. Done in an investigative journalism style and not shy about pointing fingers and assigning blame, it concludes with “…but this is not why the Veridian Government and Military want us dead.”

His second video, done with extensive help from Cam, came across like an extreme sports vid. Starting with a halo drop from orbit, from above the planet, we zoom down to the actual location of the prison where they torture psychics and run through it in first person as though we’re Cam. Different statements that are overheard and scenes we view as he escapes confirm they are gathering up psychics and experimenting and torturing them in this prison run by the Veridian government and military. It concludes with “…but this is not why the Veridian Government and Military want us dead.”

The third video has a "put together quickly" look. A clip of the battle between the Plunder and the forces of Veridian near Starlight haven, plays as a narrator speaks: "The government of Veridian will tell you we are associates and allies of the zealots of Void Whisperer, who you know as the Plunder."

Videos of abandoned bases and ships in the Oort cloud  are played as the voice continues, "Veridian didn't have the power to rid themselves of the pirates!? Well, we did it for them." The broadcast ends with the same baritone voice saying, “And still this is not the reason the government and military of Veridian want us dead."

In the last public video, what appears to be a man in some type of hooded archaic religious vestments stands with a grand picture of Starlight Haven filling the background. From within the darkness of the hood’s cowl, a baritone voice begins speaking:

“The technology has been lost you’ve been told. You’re trapped in a system with a dying star that's going nova at any second you’ve been told. For centuries the aristocrats that rule Veridian and run its military have lived lives of luxury and opulence while you have toiled…your parents toiled…your grandparents toiled…and it’s all lies.”

The figure turns towards a new camera and lightly bows his head and then continues. “The technology was not lost, you are only trapped here because the government of Veridian has been suppressing knowledge of spike drive technology…if they let you leave, who will serve them? Whose backs will they stand on to live their lofty lives?  This is why the Veridian Government and Military wanted us dead…and if this video is being broadcast, it’s most likely they succeeded.”

Adamn looks down and pauses for ten seconds before continuing; “I’m sorry we weren’t faster. And I’m sorry for all the loss. As my fate seems sealed, I shall depart this realm standing tall and announcing that our defeat was at best a pyrrhic victory for the corrupt rulers of Veridian…enemies of freedom and justice. I am Father Adamn Elliott and before I depart, I give you this gift…the keys to this cage and with them, hope and freedom.”

The viewer is notified that a large file, titled <plans_and_assembly_spike_drive> is being downloaded. Download completes and verifies. Video repeats for a few minutes, then breaks into static for a few seconds…then black.

Production discussion.

"Dude, are you crazy? Are you giving everyone in the sector the plans for a spike drive?" Cam asked Adamn incredulously having walked into the med bay as Adamn was reviewing his third video.

"Yes, Cam. These videos will broadcast after we've left the system. Best estimates are around 2 months from us setting up the dummy ship and debris. We can send the plans to our allies and friends now or as soon as we are outside of the Plunder's sphere of influence. That will give them a large head start on building but also acquiring parts and plans. 

If we don't do this, eventually, word will get out that a select few have the plans and knowledge and that will make the prime targets for the Veridian military and governent. This way, our friends have a decent advantage and the Veridian government will not have a reason to kill for the info. Does that make sense to you Cam? I want our friends, like Akhil, Captain Marush and Tony Gold...and the people of Starlight Haven to have a chance to escape as well. If everyone has the info, it's not worth killing over."

Striker's Message to Lyra

<Sent with the broadcast from the shell of the Odyssey. No encryption.>

Striker starts the recording and settles down to record his message when the ambient lighting in the room shifts suddenly, casting an eerie red glow. Alarms blared in the background, their insistent buzz drowning out his thoughts.


"Damn it," Striker mutters under his breath, his brow furrowing in annoyance. "Not now."


With a quick glance around the room, he locates the source of the disturbance—a control panel flashing with urgent red lights. Sighing in frustration, he moves to silence the alarms, his movements swift and efficient as he punches in the override code. The cacophony of sound slowly fades into silence, leaving behind only the steady hum of the ship's systems. Striker takes a moment to compose himself, his heart still racing from the sudden interruption.

"Where was I?" he mutters to himself and the camera, shaking off the distraction. With a deep breath, he returns to his recording, determined to finish what he started despite the unexpected interruption.

"You know, it's a real shame that the best pilot in the sector was taken out like this," he muses, his voice carrying a mix of disappointment and defiance. "Seems like I was cheated of a warrior's death, you know? But hey, that's just how it goes sometimes."

He clears his throat before continuing, his expression softening slightly as he switches gears. "Anyway, I've been thinking a lot lately about the things that matter most in life. And, well, I guess what I'm trying to say is..."


Striker hesitates for a moment before taking a deep breath and launching into a sappy love poem:


In the swirling depths of chaos, where darkness holds sway,

I find my solace, in the tumultuous fray.

For in the dance of disorder, where order meets its end,

I discover a love that transcends.


Chaos, oh chaos, you're my guiding star,

Leading me onward, no matter how far.

In the chaos, I find freedom, unbound and untamed,

A wild, raging fire that cannot be named.


With every twist and turn, in the cosmic storm's embrace,

I find a lover's touch, in the chaos's grace.

For in the maelstrom's fury, where all is torn asunder,

I find a love that's fierce, a love like thunder.


So let chaos reign, in its glorious might,

For in its chaos, I find my light.

In the swirling vortex of uncertainty's embrace,

I find my home, in the chaos's grace.


As he finishes reciting the poem, Striker can't help but feel a bit embarrassed by his own sentimentality. Nevertheless, he presses on, his voice more serious as he addresses Lyra directly.


"And to you, Lyra," he says, his tone sincere. "I know we've only met briefly, but there's something about you that... well, let's just say you've left a mark on me. I hope you're out there somewhere, listening to this message, and I hope you know that wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you're always on my mind. Take care of yourself, okay? And who knows, maybe our paths will cross again someday, in another life, but until that day at least you can say you met the best pilot in the galaxy. Stay safe, Lyra."


With those final words, Striker signs off.