December 17th Game Summary

The team found a hole in the middle of the jungle of the Viridescent Canopy.  Someone lit us up with a rail gun, causing Striker to take evasive action. He set the gravcar down beneath the canopy of the jungle. We made our way to the edge of a 300-foot hole, big enough for a space ship. The team lined up above two pirates that were on a ledge below them and starting firing. Logs were dropped on them, but Corvus and Cam took them out with heavy fire. Cam was using some sort of shoulder-fired psychic mechanism. Khukov called Cam a ‘witch’ and kept walking toward the entry shack, a ten by fifteen-foot building.

They approached the building that accessed the stair. Striker, Cam and Corvus inspected the door. Cam used a burst of psychic energy and buckled the door inward. An alarm could be heard, and everyone looked at each other, puzzled. Then, boom! It had been a trap. Corvus went down unconscious, and the rest were hurt except for Khukov. They spent the next several minutes being healed by Cam. Khukov walked past them and muttered something about ‘gooblygook.’

A ship’s engines could be heard firing up and once they got to the stairs they could see a ship about the size of the Odyssey at the bottom. More pirates were loading crates onto the ship. They made their way down the winding stairs on the outside edge of the 90 foot wide chasm. Corvus stayed back to distract the pirates below. He yelled at them and began firing. The rest setup rappelling lines and assaulted once at the bottom.

Cam noticed the rail gunner drawing down on the team. A darkness fell over Cam as he concentrated on the lone gunman. He raised his hand in the air and as he did so, the pirate rose in the air. First twenty meters, then 40. Cam was bleeding out of his eyes and nose. He released the man and fell screaming to his death. Cam was physically shaken and would not talk about what happened for some time. Striker and Khukov took out three pirates and Corvus took out a fourth from his sniper’s position.

The team made their way into the ship where they came across a locked door to the cockpit. The pirates tried to negotiate a peace. We only wanted death and Cam vibrated the hinges, slowly breaking them. Then a more forceful voice came on the comms. It was a captain of the Shadow Fleet. He threatened to blow-up the ship remotely and was willing to take a loss, a several million-credit loss. We took notice and agreed to meet face to face.

Cam went down to speak with Captain Marush, unarmed. Well, that was a lie. Cam could psychically muster both sword and gun. But, they didn’t know that. It was agreed that the pirates would go back into the station and let the team egress with half the crates of pre-scream weapons. Captain Marush said that part of the agreement was that we ‘owed’ him a favor. It was not lost on the pirates that Cam levitated the crates to the surface. Captain Marush told Cam, “There’s more to you than meets the eye. We will be making ‘a lot’ of money together. I expect you to head my call.” And it was agreed that we would owe him a future favor.

Next, the team visited the Star Whisperer at Astra Sanctum, and discovered a religious cult of sorts called the Celestial Whisperers. It was made up of 20 priests, a dozen students, and their leader, the Star Whisperer.  They talked their way in when Khukov told Cam to use his goobly-gook. Cam took that that to mean levitating the priest four feet off the floor. That nearly got them thrown out. The poor priest yelled for help as another high priest came to his rescue, “Put that man down and don’t use your powers again!”

However, the second high priest cajoled Cam into giving up their secret, that they were looking for a Spike Drive! Once the truth was revealed, the cult’s defenses were lowered, for that was what the cult was searching for as well. Their talk with the Star Whisperer went well and he was impressed. They were asked to investigate an anomaly in the Oort cloud that might be where a lost Spike Drive is located.

We then investigated the Azure Cascades and found a wrecked pre-scream spaceship. Its spike drive was destroyed. However, Corvus documented the placement and mounting location of where it would have been. Cam found 75 Mist nebulizers packed into three cases. He immediately took a hit, tripped balls, and communed with other-worldly cosmic beings who embraced him and wanted to teach him about the universe.

Outside, Striker came under attack by lizard-like predators and took refuge in the gravcar. The group fought off a few of the monsters and Corvus threw a grenade. Khukov grabbed Cam pushing him toward the back of the ship. Empty handed, they exited the ship and escaped in the gravcar. The only thing Cam could do, his pupils were the size of saucers, was reach for the beautiful creatures speaking to him from the edge of space.
