Results for "Obodo Obi"


    • Marcus Auerilius


      ...cals and the Giwa had become an intertwined society. The location of the town made it a great base for the Giwa who still pursued the search for Obodo Obi. For thos...
      • Marcus Auerilius

        Auroboduem - Extica

        ...he Koalinth raiders, braved the Straights of Tobin and battle...tic. It was Drohamb who had had the vision of Obodo Obi, high in...d wealth, but little useful information about Obodo Obi. Drohamb...

        Tags: Obodo Obi

        • Marcus Auerilius

          Vom Durom

          ...knew better…he was the one with the visions. Obodo Obi will not be...ssibly see, was the city…he knew what it was…Obodo Obi. He had f...nued swimming towards the glow he knew to be Obodo Obi. What see...