The Necropolis of Khoqtue

    Mark Stinson


    In the shadowy world of thieves and assassins, where intrigue and danger lurked at every corner, Gaerwynn had long ago learned to trust no one. He had once been a master assassin, known for his deadly precision and elusive nature. But he had retired from that life, disappearing into the quiet anonymity of the Red Jackal's fortress.

    The Red Jackal, a mysterious figure with motives known only to himself, had summoned Gaerwynn from his solitary existence. Gaerwynn's heart had quickened at the sight of the red-cloaked figure, who spoke with a voice like rustling leaves in the dead of night.

    "Gaerwynn," the Red Jackal had said, "I have a task for you. A task of utmost importance. You are to escort a young apprentice thief named Kal’habr to the Necropolis of Khoqtue. There, you will find a silver goblet gripped tight in the dead hands of Avrauzar, the Darkheart."

    Gaerwynn had nodded in acceptance, his curiosity piqued, but he dared not ask why. The Red Jackal never offered explanations.

    "Kal’habr has been to the necropolis before," the Red Jackal continued. "He will be your guide through the dangers that dwell within its cursed walls."

    And so, Gaerwynn found himself alongside Kal’habr, a wiry youth with eyes that gleamed with the promise of mischief. The young thief seemed confident, his steps sure as he led Gaerwynn through the winding and hidden passages of the Necropolis of Khoqtue.

    As they entered the necropolis, Gaerwynn couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine. The air was heavy with the scent of decay, and the moon cast eerie shadows upon the ancient tombstones. He kept his hand close to the hilt of his dagger, ready for whatever dangers awaited them.

    Unbeknownst to both Gaerwynn and the Red Jackal, Kal’habr was not what he seemed. He was a plant in the Irregulars by the assassin guild, sent not to assassinate Frightal-lok as Gaerwynn had been sent, but to root out the former assassin, Gaerwynn, whom they suspected of still being alive.

    As they ventured deeper into the necropolis, a graverobber, driven mad by the malevolent spirits that haunted the place, came upon them. The undead graverobber, his skin pallid and eyes hollow, attacked with a ferocity born of desperation. Kal’habr fell to the creature's relentless assault, his life snuffed out before he could even cry out for help.

    Gaerwynn, his heart heavy with the loss of his unwitting companion, fought with all his might. The undead graverobber was a formidable foe, but Gaerwynn's skill and determination won the day. With a final, decisive blow, he dispatched the creature, sending it back to the darkness from whence it had emerged.

    Gaerwynn, breathless and wounded, searched the graverobber. There, in a satchel, he found the silver goblet, the object of their mission. But as he moved to carry Kal’habr's body out of the necropolis, a small runestone slipped from the thief's pocket.

    Gaerwynn picked up the runestone, examining it closely. It was a Gravestone, a token used by the Guild to assign an assassination. But this Gravestone held another symbol, one that sent a chill down Gaerwynn's spine. It indicated that the holder was a decoy, a pawn in a deadly game.

    Realization dawned on Gaerwynn like a thunderclap. Another assassin had been sent for Frightal-lok, and this assassin's true target was him, Gaerwynn.

    Leaving Kal’habr's body behind, Gaerwynn made haste to return to the Red Jackal's fortress. He knew that time was of the essence. He watched and waited, his senses honed to a razor's edge. And when the assassin arrived, believing Frightal-lok to be an easy mark, Gaerwynn struck with deadly precision.

    The battle was swift, but fierce. Gaerwynn's experience as an assassin, tempered by his years of retirement, gave him the upper hand. With a final, fatal strike, he dispatched the would-be killer.

    Upon the dead assassin's corpse, Gaerwynn found a Shadowed Hood, a dark and ominous garment worn by the members of the assassin guild. Frightal-lok would never know that he had been marked for death.

    Gaerwynn returned to the Red Jackal, delivering the silver goblet as instructed. He recounted the tale of Kal’habr's demise but said nothing of the plot to assassinate Frightal-lok. The Red Jackal nodded in silent approval, and Gaerwynn knew that he had once again proven his worth in the shadowy world of secrets and subterfuge.

    As Gaerwynn disappeared into the depths of the fortress, he couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic motives of the Red Jackal and the dangerous game in which he had become a reluctant player. But one thing was certain: in a world where trust was a rare and precious commodity, Gaerwynn had learned to trust only in himself.


    Shadowed Hood
    Wonderous item, (requires attunement)
        • While wearing this hood, you can pull it over your head to cause yourself to become incorporeal without form or substance. You appear as a thin, black shadow. While you are in this form, anything you are carrying or wearing becomes incorporeal with you. You become corporeal when you cease wearing the hood. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action.
        • Deduct the time you are incorporeal, in increments of 1 minute, from the cloak's maximum duration of 2 hours. After 2 hours of use, the cloak ceases to function. For every uninterrupted period of 12 hours, the cloak goes unused, it regains 1 hour of duration.